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Of course. Each hospital has within its wall, millions of products - with new ones entering the facility each and every day.  Therefore, having recalls due to some product being...

The number of class 1 recalls - that is the class of recalls which can lead to patient death - has increased at an alarming rate, a rate that is disproportionate to...

National Recall Alert Center is unique in that it has developed a "triple alerting feature” that guarantees you will never miss a Class 1 recall. No other...

As the premier organization in the field, National Recall Alert Center has more experience, provides more benefits, has the best customer service and all of this at... 

The features and the benefits to you and your organization are too numerous to count. However, at the time of your demo each one will be described.  Suffice it to say...

Absolutely we can match recalls to your inventory and purchases. Even better, our system allows you to prioritize the resulting matches. We often provide this additional...

There are several other tangential services we provide at no additional cost. You will have them explained to you at the time of the demo. There are services exclusive to members of...

We are proud of the fact that, unless you require it, you are never tied in to our system and can leave at any time you feel you wish for any reason at all. We either deserve...

A simple, short, hands-on demo is available over the internet at your desk at a mutually convenient day and time. Call our toll-free number 1-800-nrac-now (1-800-672-2669). There...

Recall Alert Center is proud of the fact that it covers all areas of the hospital - all departments.  From pharmacy to dietary, from laboratory to devices, from supply chain to...

Ours is a non-profit, 501(c)3 federally-approved organization and we are not permitted to earn a profit of any kind. In addition, we spend very little money on marketing, have...

We are proud of the fact that we’ve always had a multi-hospital group enterprise system and dashboard. It can sometimes be available at no additional cost depending upon...







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1. We never close - that is very important to you because you, too, never close - you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your patients 24/7/365.  We, too are there protecting...

See what our clients are saying about National Recall Alert Center.

National Recall Alert Center is proud of the fact that it has a multimillion dollar insurance policy that fully protects our member facilities. Ask about the details during your...

You are always offered a free, non-committal trial period. We do this so that both of us know our service meets the culture of your facility and that you stakeholders will...

One of the best features of our service is that it is so user friendly that it takes virtually less than 9 minutes to fully learn the system. Because it was developed by hospitals...

We never close - that is very important to you because you, too, never close - you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your patients 24/7/365.  We, too, are there protecting you...

We have built relationships with manufacturers for more than 4 decades. That assures you of receiving faster information on recalled products and...

Service to our members is 2nd to no one. We actually assign a personal liaison to each and every hospital facility. That person at one of our offices is, essentially, open...

Our triple alerting feature - unique to National Recall Alert Center assures you will never miss a class 1 recall. We protect you with our multi-million dollar insurance policy just in the event...

We are the most experienced in the field and this is not just our specialty - but is the only field we are in. Exclusively.

We allow you to try our recall alerting service and system before you ever make a final decision. If you do decide to become a member of National Recall Alert Center....

There is only one organization that gives you the best service, that has the most features, that offers the lowest cost, the has the most experience - National Recall Alert Center.













Above all else, what would you say are the seven most important considerations we should keep in mind when considering National Recall Alert Center?

What do other facilities say about your organization?

Any guarantees?

Is there any way to sample your service without committing?

What is the learning curve?

What is a reason that makes National Recall Alert Center superior?

What is a reason that makes National Recall Alert Center unique?

What is a reason that makes National Recall Alert Center special?

What is the reason that separates National Recall Alert Center for any other service?

What is a reason that hospitals throughout the USA continue to depend on National Recall Alert Center year after year?

What is a reason that other hospitals have trusted National Recall Alert Center since 1973?

What is a critical decision consideration when deciding on which recall warning alert system to use?













Can you provide me more information on this rather than just an overview?

What about class 1 recalls - those that can lead to the death of a patient?

What can your organization do to remedy or solve this problem most effectively?

Why since 1973 have the majority of hospitals in the USA preferred National Recall Alert Center instead of others in the field?

What are your features and the benefits we will realize if we select National Recall Alert Center?

Can you match our inventory and purchases against recalls that are occurring and do it without any extra cost?

Do you have any other related services built-in at no cost to us?

If we decide to  outsource to National Recall Alert Center, are we bound to a contract which will bind us for years in the future without you knowing that we even want to continue using your service?

What is our next step without any commitment of any kind?

Which areas of the hospital do you cover and notify us of defective product recalls?

Since National Recall Alert Center is - by far - the least expensive recall alerting service in the USA, how can you provide your service at such a low cost when others are so much higher in price?

We have multiple hospital facilities, do you have any type of ‘enterprise system’ that can accommodate our ‘system’ that is both streamlined and efficient? 


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Every hospital’s challenge - indeed - main mission - is to provide a safe environment for your staff and patients - proactively. This is the mission and most often the mandate... 


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Because it is no longer ‘under the radar’ of your accrediting organization, your state’s Board of Health or the Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA)...


Why is this major safety problem becoming critical to us now?


What is our hospital's biggest problem when it comes to proactive patient safety and defective products being recalled?


E.-C.L.A.S.S. Nation's Only System That Does It All:

Recall Alerting For Every Department in Your Facility as well as: Matching, Tracking, Tracing, Total Management and Full Compliance Reporting System

Trusted and used by 4 out of 5 hospitals since 1973

Hospitals have asked these questions of us and the answers given are those our Board of Hospital Members have given in response to each of the questions.

Hover mouse over question to reveal answer

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